The WWDC or World Wide Developers Conference is a conference annually held by Apple Inc. in San Jose, California.

This event began in 1987, and actually it has place in San Jose, California.

Apple uses this event to showcase its new software and technologies for software developers.

Attendees can participate in hands-on labs with Apple engineers and attend in-depth sessions covering a wide variety of topics.

If you want to attend this conference you’ll need $1,599 USD and you need to obtain your ticket through an online lottery.

There is an other way to attend the conference and this method is why we made this web page, to help you to attend the conference.

The method is Scholarships that are available for students and members of STEM organizations.

The Sholarship

The scholarship is oriented to students who are interested on applying to win a ticket for the WWDC with some personal programming development work within Apple Tools.

It comes with a Challenge proposed by Apple, the challenge changes every year and you have about a week to complete the application but you can be working on it when ever you want, the only thing is that you need to be predictive about the future challenge.

Developers selected for a scholarship will receive a WWDC ticket , lodging for the conference, and one year of membership in the Apple Developer Program free of charge.


If you want to apply for an Scholarship there are some requirements you must need to have:

  • Be 13 years of age or older, or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction (for example, 16 years of age in the European Union)

  • Be registered for free with Apple as an Apple developer or be a member of a paid Apple Developer Program

  • Fulfill one of the following requirements:
    • Be enrolled in an accredited academic institution or official homeschool equivalent;
    • Have graduated from high school or equivalent within the past 6 months and be awaiting acceptance to an accredited academic institution; or
    • Be an active member of a STEM organization, which can be any organization with a membership program that teaches science, technology, engineering, or math outside of a regular school curriculum and is legally recognized as a nonprofit organization.
  • And the most important the challenge.It changes every year.

WWDC 2019 Challenge

In this year the challenge was to create an interactive scene in a Swift playground that can be experienced within three minutes using Swift Playgrounds 2.2 or Xcode 10.1.

The most important for an application is to be creative, your talent and enthusiasm could take you all the way to a WWDC.

For this Challenge you were able to use templates in Swift Playgrounds for a head start on more advanced creations. Make them your own by adding graphics, audio, and more.

The Playground Challenge Requirements where:

  • Your submission must be a Swift playground created by you as an individual or a template modified by you as an individual. * Group work or Xcode projects will not be considered. You may include third-party open source licensed code and/or public domain images and sounds, with credit and an explanation of why it was used.

  • Your Swift playground must be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 2.2 or Xcode 10.1. If it runs on Swift Playgrounds 2.2, it must be optimized to display properly on all models of iPad Pro.

  • All content should be in English.

  • Your .zip file size should not be more than 25 MB.

  • Submissions will be judged offline. Your Swift playground should not rely on a network connection and any resources used in your Swift playground should be included locally in your .zip file.

Steps for a WWDC application

  1. Provide school / membership information.

    • If you’re a student, provide your most recent class schedule or other most recent proof of enrollment (PDF, PNG, or JPG) and the contact information for your educational supervisor. If you’re a member of a STEM organization, provide your membership information (PDF, PNG, or JPG) and your local leader’s contact information. Documentation is accepted in all languages.
  2. Upload and describe your Swift playground.

    • Upload your Swift playground from your Mac. Tell us about the features and technologies that you used in your Swift playground, in 500 words or less.
  3. Provide optional information.

    • Beyond WWDC. If you’ve shared or considered sharing your coding knowledge and enthusiasm for computer science with others, let us know in 500 words or less.
    • Apps on the App Store. If you have one or more apps on the App Store created entirely by you as an individual, tell us about them in 500 words or less.
    • Additional Assistance. A conference ticket and lodging for the week are provided for all scholarship recipients. If you have highly extenuating financial circumstances that would still prohibit you from attending, you may apply to be considered for provided air transportation. Please give an explanation of 500 words or less and upload a letter (PDF, PNG, or JPG) that confirms your need for additional financial assistance written by a teacher, supervisor, or other person of authority in your community. Make sure that it includes their role and contact information. This will not influence the scholarship judging process.
    • Résumé / CV. If you’re 18 years of age or older and wish to share your résumé or CV with other groups at Apple, upload a PDF. This will not influence the scholarship judging process.


An important reminder is that the challenge and de dates changes every year, Apple will be telling us the new challenge and the dates in a few months.