Data Entry
Usually when you create an App or a program, your need to interact with the user. To do it you have to create entries to receive user information. In this post we’re going to create a basic Entry for a view in Playgrounds.
First, we’re going to display a common view. Let’s go to code!!
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
class JFTextFeld: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate{
var textField: UITextField!
var label: UILabel!
Now we’re creating a class named JFTextfield that is a child class of UIViewController and UITextFieldDelegate. Maybe this word a kind of strange if you’re a beginner programmer. So, we need to define some concepts before continue.
- Class - When we talk about classes we’re refering to a programming structure where we could storage information from different kind of data and add functionalities. It’s a little bit confusing but in simple words we could define a class as an object template that shows the basic properties of the object.
- Inheritance - One of the basic features of classes is inheritance. When we have a class, its usual that it takes properties from a base class. Because of this, the new class is known as a child class and it means that inherit qualities from his father. Obviously, a base class hasn’t inheritance from another class.
So, we can explain that JFTextField is going to be a view when we could find a text field (UITextField) and a label (UILabel).
Now we should write the next code into the class:
override func loadView(){
let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50.0, y: 50.0, width: 100.0, height: 100.0))
view.backgroundColor = .cyan
textField.textColor = .black
textField.backgroundColor = .white
label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 5, y: 25, width: 100, height: 15))
label.backgroundColor = .brown
label.textColor = .white
self.view = view
We’ve just created a view to display a text field and a label.
Now, we need to receive the entry from the user on the text field and write it on the label.
Add the following code after our last line on lastView():
textField.addTarget(self., action: #selector(updateText), for: UIControl.editingChanged) This line indicates that the text field is waiting to be edit, and when someone changed it’s content you could call the updateText function.
It’s time to write the updateText() function:
@objc func updateText(){
self.label.text = textField.text
Finally, we have to display our view:
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = JFTextFieldController()
You’ll see this result: