Playground Book Introduction
What is Playground Book?
A playground allows us to learn new concepts through programming. The advantages of learning in a playground is that we can experience, play and create while we learn.
What do we need to build a Playground Book?
You´ll need a Free apple Developer Acount.
To build your own Blaygorund Book you will need Xcode 11.1.
Also you will need the Swift Playgrounds Author Template.
The Playgrounds App for Mac or iPad to test your playground.
Setting up your Playground
Open the Swift Playgrounds Author Template, we will make a few changes to personalize it.
You need to open the BuildSettings.xcconfig file, you can find it on the config files directory.
Here you’ll find:
- The BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX is used to set your team, like in a normal app.
example: com.example
The PLAYGROUND_BOOK_FILE_NAME here you´ll set the Playground Book name.
The PLAYGROUND_BOOK_CONTENT_VERSION here you can set in which version of the playground you are deploying actually.
Then you´ll need to open the ManifestPlist.strings file, which is located at the PrivateResources group in the PlaygroundBook group.
Here you can modify the values of the:
Playground Book Name.
Chapters Name: you can change or add new chapters.
Chapters Page Names: here you can change the page names and add new page names.